Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's just change.

Incidentally, we got this same article/assignment last year, but i suppose that isn't important.

I have no thoughts about the recent change in the realm of media right now. There's no real point in trying to justify some sort of argument about whether or not the current road that journalism is taking is good or bad. It is what it is, and change happens. It is an inevitability that dominates our lives. However, to state my opinions, i would have to say its a good thing. moving to a world where information has become far easier to gather, reports now have a lot more tools in which they can use to effectively convey the information that they want to get out to the public. While this will constitute some effort on their part as they being harnessing those tools, the mastery of these new developments will ultimately make reporting much more effective. As younger people are beginning to access the internet much more frequently, news now has greater broadcasting capabilities to audiences of all ages.

As the realm of multimedia journalism grows and expands, its obvious that i'll have to become more multitalented in my capabilities, and become a more well rounded person in general. it isn't enough to simply be able to edit stories, having keen awareness in other areas of journalism is also ideal to be a powerful positive influence in the broadcast studio. I'll have to grow as a reporter and a writer to make better contributions to the broadcast, and that will be fine. Change necessary for good will be made.

with that in mind, improved social skills would be ideal for improved reporting capabilities, as well as a greatly improved ability to present my story. Since information is easily accessible, it will be required for my information to be more appealing and enticing to the audience if i want to capture their fly-attention span for a long enough time to get my point across, so i'll have to become better able to get out there and state my ideas (though i find i am already relatively capable of doing this.)


  1. Being able to expand and improve on social skills is indeed important in improving reporting capabilities. Without this skill, even being able to get an interview would be pretty difficult. Therefore, being able to be open about one's ideas and being able to converse with people easily is essential in creating a good report.

  2. Yeah, you're right. It's a repeat question. But things have changed even further since then, so I guess the question now requires a different answer. It's an interesting point you made about change being just change. I kind of feel everything is like that; it all depends on the outlook people have.

  3. Social skills are very important in journalism and being able to inform the audience within their short attention span are crucial to good reporting. The change in journalism certainly does aide to interaction with a diverse audience.

  4. I also agree that there is nothing much we can do about it. The only constant in the world is change. Having social skills is of vital importance now that journalism and technology are becoming more and more integrated, it's not just reporting the story, it's capturing the audience's attention.
