Wednesday, December 14, 2011

With the rapidly developing rate of modern media the time it takes to inform the public decreases. A celebrity passes away, or a natural disaster occurs; within minutes, the story is already on the front page of Yahoo. People want information, and they want it simple and fast. I feel that it is important for journalist to keep up with this, whether its with video journalism, blogging, or even tweeting; along with that, grab the readers' interests by knowing what the public is interested in knowing about.

We live in a country of Social Darwinism, the strongest survive and the weak die out. For journalists to be successful and gain a large audience, it is necessary for them to be able to get information to reader's while keeping them interested. The best way to do so is to know and take advantage of the different ways people access their information; whether its TV, Youtube, or Facebook pages. It is incredibly important that we, as journalists, keep up with this rapid development so we can be prepared to compete with those we may will come across in our futures. Each journalist has a huge potential of what they can accomplish, and is it important we take full advantage of the resources we can get and use it to its fullest.

With an open mind, we as journalists should be able to adapt to the changes of modern media and take full advantage of the enormous variety of capabilities it hands us. In order to be effective as a journalist myself, I plan on doing my best to keep my stories interesting and know what the viewers want to see. I will also practice my editing and try to learn other tricks to do with Adobe Premier so the stories I do are not only appealing in content, but in the visual as well.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the point on Social Darwinism; would an audience be willing to view a show that is mediocre compared to another? Journalists have to make their information and presentation as unique and appealing as it can, for ordinary readers are so easily distracted if there are other things on hand. Our duty is to a large population, a vast range of people at the moment unknowing of what goes on in the world at the moment. Whoever gets read first wins!
    To do this, journalism programs have to draw from many resources, be it money, ideas, or information. The world of today requires our biggest efforts in order to captivate them.
